Pause for Effect
Fans are eager to get their hands on the WC4 Fan Remake, but there's a whole lot of work yet to do. Even a demo isn't expected until well into next year, but various components and modules are in constant development. It can be hard to imagine what all goes into a complete game, but one critical but under appreciated aspect is the pause menu. In later games, the pause/options interface also served as a toggle for various options - complete with in-universe style interface. A slick mock up of this humble interface is now available to mess around with here. Check it out, and then read the rest of the article on the pause menu here.
Now we’re ramping up towards releasing our first playable demo next year, our thoughts are turning towards the more mundane elements of the game. It can’t all be flight engine and sexy HD videos. As such, Pedro tasked me with overhauling the game’s pause menu, in a similar vein to the redesign I already did for the game’s mouse cursors.I thought it might be helpful for him to have an aesthetically functional prototype to work from, so he can see how I envisage it all laid out and how the UI animations could work.
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