Dralthi Model Soars to New Heights
Klavs is back with an absolute feast for the eyes. This gorgeous Dralthi is ready to be the star of your new 4K wallpaper image. If you're a modder or modeler and would like to take the craft even further, it's available on Sketchfab. You can play with and rotate the design there. Klavs is also accepting $10 donations at the site to help with medical issues. I hope someone takes him up on that and builds this beauty into a future fan project!
Re-worked the old Dralthi model, fewer UV islands, nicer geometry, and threw a new coat of paint on her in Substance. The orange on the underside cat heads is actually the exact color from the WC1 box art! Really fun working with her again! Hope you like it!Also, the model is now on Sketchfab! Check her out in all her 3D rotatable glory!
If you'd like the model for your own use, I'm asking for $10 to help with my family's medical bills of late. If you're a Wingnut and you don't want to contribute, but still want the model, just PM me, I'll be happy to work something out with you! Thanks so much everyone! I'm so grateful for all your love and support over the years!
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