Knossos Inclusion Boosts WC Modding Efforts
Rear Admiral Tarsus reports that he's packaged of Klavs' WC1 ship pack and posted it as a part of Knossos. This will make the designs more readily available for other projects to utilize or build upon. We've long carried a large assortment of Klavs' Terran (676 meg zip) and Kilrathi (353 meg zip) models for people to play around with, and a variety of WC fan projects have put them to good use. You can see a visual gallery of some of the designs here. It sounds like some fans are already working on cool enhancements to pair with these designs!
Basically I packaged CrazyCanuck's copy of Klav's ships so that modders wanting to put Wing Commander 1 ships in Wing Commander Saga have an easier time doing so. I did pretty much zero work compared to the two before me. It is a way for other modders to have an easier time making their mods.I have been playing with it in FRED and it's truly a rush to take on Sorthaks in a Ferret.
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