Return of the George Oldziey Blog
Former Origin composer George Oldziey is back again with a new blog post! If you don't recall his last one, that's because it's been three years since he formally penned his most recent column. He's back in the groove now though and ready to kick off a new chapter. Despite the craziness of 2020, George has settled in in California after his move from Texas and is working on a lot of cool projects. He's done some (virtual) musical teaching and even has a Netflix production in the works. The Oldziey Store has also been cleaned up with proper links to his recent WC works. It's still possible to grab an autographed orchestral WC CD or even a digital download of the Wing Commander jazz album! A few samples are below. Check out the blog here and WC album rollup here. George will try to update with additional writing much more often going forward!
I recently had my website updated, and in so doing realized I hadn't blogged in three years! Not going to save the world, but I'm back on that horse again. :) Hope all are staying safe and healthy!Thanks so much,
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