Polish Timeslot Marks Continued Wing Commander Broadcasts Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

It's been interesting tracking the evolution of Wing Commander Movie rights over the last few years. Elements of the franchise relating to the film reverted to Chris Roberts a couple years back, and this was timed with its removal from Netflix as well as the FOX DVD/Bluray going out of print. The movie disappeared from digital storefronts for purchase as well, but they have been slowly relisting Wing Commander more recently. AD spotted the film returning to European television this week with a spot on Polish TNT. We don't just pore over foreign TV listings, so it's entirely likely that we missed other showtimes in different places at different times, so this is by no means a first, but WC had been in frequent rotation through the mid 2010s. It's good to see it still making the rounds! If you'd like to check it out, tune in June 26 at 9:50 am.
Ekranizacja gry komputerowej o tym samym tytule, bijącej rekordy popularności. Rok 2654. Kilrathi - obcy, którym udało się zdobyć urządzenia do nawigacji komputerowej, przygotowują się do inwazji na Ziemię. Do walki z nimi staje trójka młodych pilotów pojazdów kosmicznych. Jest wśród nich Christopher Blair, który właśnie skończył szkołę, ale brak doświadczenia nadrabia niezwykłymi umiejętnościami nawigacyjnymi. Jest też jego najlepszy przyjaciel, pewny siebie i uparty Todd. Dowodzi nimi piękna komandor Jeanette. A film adaptation of a computer game with the same title, breaking popularity records. Year 2654. Kilrathi - aliens who managed to get devices for computer navigation are preparing to invade Earth. Three young space vehicle pilots are fighting them. Among them is Christopher Blair, who has just finished school, but the lack of experience makes up for his extraordinary navigational skills. There's also his best friend, confident and stubborn Todd. They are commanded by beautiful Commander Jeanette.

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