Catch Up On Everything Wing Commander 2 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Shot97 has completed his absolutely massive hourlong review of Wing Commander 2. As you might imagine, it's a rather exhaustive look at many different aspects of the game, its expansions, gameplay, story, development and more. Fortunately, if you pop out the clip in a proper YouTube window, the video description has a full index that lets you jump around if there are certain elements that strike your fancy more than others. This allows you to cut straight to different magazine perspectives, character analysis or a peek at the SNES edition. So if you want to learn all the ins and outs there are to know about WC2 and you've got an hour to spare, fire up the full vid below. Alternately there's a written version with tons of great screenshots here. You can also find Shot's comparable video review of WC1 on the Amiga here.
Despite coming out just a year after the original in 1991 and featuring the same game engine, the second installment in the Wing Commander franchise brought much to the table. Completely redrawn graphics, some pre-rendered scenes, speech in select areas, a deeper look at our kitty enemies. In my review we'll be sharing some memories, looking at the manual, showing off some reviews from back in the day! - Shown on actual DOS hardware, recorded directly off a 4:3 CRT as designed!

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