GOG Sale Takes 75% Off Wing Commander.. and More! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The GOG winter sale is in full swing, and the series is 75% off. This makes each title $1.49 or under $12 for the whole series! st3lt3k points out that Origin's 1989 sim Space Rogue is a whopping 90% off. This proto-Wing Commander title isn't quite up to the level of the original WC1, but you just can't go wrong for $0.59!

What should you get for the Wing Commander fan who has everything? GOG is here to help with the recent addition of Space Rogue, a space sim published by Origin about two years before Chris Roberts' Wing Commander arrived on the scene. The game was designed by Paul Neurath who went on to fame with Ultima Underworld and the System Shock series. Other notable WC vet contributors include Denis Loubet, Jeff Dee, Steven Muchow, Keith Berdak, Warren Spector and Dallas Snell. It's clearly dated by its late '80s graphics, and its gameplay has never been one to challenge the WC series, but it's a charming addition to the back catalogue and an interesting artifact of the time that came before. And who can resist its dreamy cover art?! The package also includes bonuses like an associated novella and a cool star map.
Give these other Origin games a try if they're new to you!

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