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Chronocidal Guy is back with a new take on his impressive 3D printed Excalibur. The new design, pictured in red below, now features intricate panel line engravings thanks to the latest generation of machines. He was also able to print it as a single piece as opposed to numerous smaller components originally (pictured second). The third image below includes the old model painted by rivaledbynone. We include it to help you imagine how great the update will look when complete!
I did want to post an update to the Excalibur kit I made a few years back though. Upgraded my printer recently and went all-in on a single-piece print of that model, upgraded to include panel line engravings. I haven't tried it on Shapeways or Sculpteo in this format, but the recent generation of printers is getting impressive.

My current project is re-engineering the individual parts of my original design to build a larger kit, hopefully about a foot in length, since my newer printer has a much larger volume than my older one I prototyped this on.

On a somewhat related note, Klavs also reports that his amazing Terran Fleet Supply 3D printed storefront has added options for "glossy full color sandstone" and "full detail frosted resin" to provide some fancy new options for cool Wing Commander ships. If you buy one, send us pics!

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