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The CIC website is made up of thousands of pages and dozens of sections, some dating back to our earliest days. Inevitably, some links will break over time as things get moved around or reworked. For last year's anniversary, we put in a huge effort to fix broken links and iron out various visual issues around the website. This year, we continued along this line, but with a heavy focus on our 1998-2012 news archive. Our current layout was rolled out in 2012 and was based on (then) modern HTML and CSS features, while our substantial back catalog of news articles was composed with an older stack in mind. In addition, some updates contained minor HTML glitches that the browsers of yesteryear probably just glossed over or silently fixed (hence why they went unnoticed at the time of publishing), but that modern browsers no longer put up with. This could result in a link not showing up or stranger effects, like half a sentence disappearing from view.

  • Some 6,000 updates have been edited, many of them by hand.
  • These edits fixed links, made the HTML valid, and added the Lightbox feature to any image galleries.
  • When viewing a single update or update slate, the recent stories block below it is now rendered in a "masonry" style. Do you like it, or is it too click-baitey? Let us know in the comments!
  • Minuscule visual tweaks around the site that are too numerous to mention.

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