Wing Commander Test Footage Reveals Kilrathi Point of View Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

All the way through pre to post-production, the crew working on the Wing Commander feature film explored the idea of giving the Kilrathi a unique point of view. Before shooting, the crew at Digital Anvil experimented with some basic effects using footage shot around their offices to get a feel for the styles they might like to use.

This clip features some of that early footage plus some of the post-production tests done to hone in on just the right kind of look. Possibly taking inspiration from things such as Predator's heat vision, the Terminator's information readouts, or the POV shots from the Alien's perspective in Alien 3, they ran many different passes with differing levels of distortion and color correction to make various highlights stand out. Keen observers will also notice the statue of Sivar that sits at the heart of the Snakeir bridge.

The crew also explored the idea of giving the Confederation Marines a helmet HUD and infrared enhanced vision. The opening clip is that test (which you'll notice actually is the same shot as the following green Kilrathi view, just treated differently).

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