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Black Friday is upon us, so here's a quick roundup of some of the Wing Commander gifts you can give to friends (or yourself!). This list is just the official products that are actively for sale, but hundreds of different things are still available on eBay. One notable absence this year is the Wing Commander Movie being taken out of print. With the transfer of film rights reverting back to Chris Roberts, the Blu-ray and DVD are no longer being printed, and the Amazon/iTunes digital copies are no longer available for sale. This newfound scarcity has pushed physical copies of the BRD up to the $90-150 range, so count yourself lucky if you already own one. If you don't already have Academy on DVD for $8, now's your chance. Don't let that one catch you off guard when it's no longer available!

On the other hand, the Baen books lineup is now complete with End Run finally becoming commercially available as an ebook. GOG is also in the throes of its Black Friday sale with the WC series coming in at 75% off, which brings each package down to $1.50. This is a really good price, although there's a chance their forthcoming Winter Sale could knock a few more cents off them... if you're still on the fence about this whole Wing Commander thing.

Games ($1.49 each)
Movies & TV
Novels ($6.99, with some discounts to $5.38 at Amazon)
Audio Albums

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