WC Album Discs Going to Production, Digital Files Sent to Backers Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

It's been a big month for crowdfunded projects! On top of some exciting new campaigns, composer George Oldziey has continued to make good progress on his second major music album. The assets for the physical discs are finally wrapped up and ready to go out for production. Digital samples of the music on the album have also just been distributed. Backers can now check their Kickstarter accounts for download information if they didn't get an email notification to do so already. This package includes both digitally reorchestrated classical style tracks from Wing Commanders 3, 4 and Prophecy as well as his awesome Wing Commander jazz tracks that include live takes on popular WC bar music. George would still love to get more digital pieces recorded by a live orchestra again some day, and we'll share any new news on that front when it breaks!
Greetings all! Sorry to be so AWOL recently. I just wanted to let you know that all the assets for the physical CD version of the WC jazz music and MIDI mockups of the Volume 2 orchestral music are ready to be sent in for duplication (Phew! Finally!) My most sincere apologies for the delay, and my thanks to those who have written to keep me on my toes!

I'll be sending them out to those that pledged on the appropriate levels as soon as they arrive, most likely in a few weeks.

My best to you all!


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