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Following up on his recent release of the jazz and bar music digital recordings, veteran video game composer George Oldziey has sent out three more updates to his backers. George has exported the sheet music for several tracks from volume 2 of the orchestral project to video format. You can follow the score as the music notation is played back through the Sibelious sound fonts. The second update shows a preview of the artwork for the physical copy of the jazz album. It was made by community member SabreAce, who you may remember from his work on those awesome squadron patches a few years ago. And finally there was a response to a frequently asked question regarding the recommended listening order. If you backed this project, be sure to keep an eye on your e-mail or the Kickstarter page for the latest updates. Kickstarter e-mail updates always end up in my spam folder for some reason. The Victory bar music track has been released as a teaser, so check it out below if you didn't back the project!

Greetings! I was asked by several backers what my preferred, or recommended order would be for listening to the recent WC bar music files. I never really gave it much thought, until just now.

You all can obviously play them in whatever order you'd like, but MY preferred sequence would be..

  1. WC Victory Bar Music
  2. WC Bar Funk Music
  3. WC Bar Samba
  4. WC Bar Ballad
  5. Kilrathi Cha Cha (which I'm sure you already figured out was an adaptation of the theme from WC 3; Heart of the Tiger).

I've had lots of positive comments about the music, and I REALLY appreciate them!

All the best,


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