Banshee Kicks Off Flat Universe's Border Worlds Faction Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The first Border Worlds ship for Wing Commander Flat Universe has been announced! The Banshee now joins the battle alongside four Confed and four Kilrathi craft. It's designed to be particularly effective against slower bombers such as the Broadsword or Grikath. Each screenshot below also reflects the high quality model used in the game. Flat Universe is a pretty slick looker!

Please take a look on the flight deck, and meet... your doom, you Broadsword addicts!

The details that you see on the ships from these screens come from the detailed models that you can experience them in-flight if you zoom close enough the camera during the game play. Of course we are preparing camera close ups with K/B shortcuts (missile follow, target follow, follow me etc.) to the increase the graphics experience.

If you are interested to know why we stick so much with graphics detail on a top down shooter, the answer is simple... Persistence. Every time you will see an in game cut-scene or you return with a damaged ship from a mission the damages will be there sitting on top of your wrecked ship. In other words you will have to be especially careful with what the chief mechanic will have to tell you after a bad luck on your mission!

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