Wing Commander 3 Play-Through Remade At Nightmare Difficulty! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

It's been more than ten years since the legendary Queeg released his consolidated Wing Commander 3 movie. The original film set download records at the CIC and garnered hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube. Now he's back with a brand new take on The Heart of the Tiger - this time he's completed the entire game on Nightmare difficulty! On top of the amped up difficulty, Queeg also played through with the mouse, did not let any wingmen die, destroyed every capship (including optional kills) and used the default Rachel loadout in all but the first Loki System mission. That's some serious piloting skill! Grab the entire 9.1 gigabyte monster here (.mp4) or catch the ~9 hour epic on YouTube below!

Hi guys, it's been years since I've posted anything here. However, I've recently got back into WC3 and enjoying it more than ever.

I saw on youtube someone had uploaded a video with a full playthrough of the PC game. I thought, that's awesome so I watched some of it. However, the guy playing looked like it was his first time, it seemed like he was playing on a rookie setting and wasn't too familiar with the game.

However, I really liked the idea of a full playthrough. So having recently completed the game on nightmare (took a while, it really is seriously difficult). I figured it would be cool to have a full playthrough of the game but entirely on nightmare. I've ripped the videos from the playstation version to get the best quality. I've recorded the missions using fraps which has come out quite nicely.

Hopefully someone hasn't already beaten me to the punch. Although, I'm not a hard core gamer myself. I imagine there's others who can play the game much better then me, and I feel we should encourage people to do the same and showcase their skills.

I did put together a WC3 movie a few years back, but I was younger and impatient back then. It came out a bit sloppy and looking back I wish I had spend more time on it. This, however, should be much better. It will be a lot longer too, I have 7 hours with the movie scenes and missions together already.

Let me know your thoughts guys. Hopefully there will be people here who will be interested.

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