Fans Needed To Help Album Reach Its Goal! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The campaign to create a second Wing Commander music album is up to $9,500, which is a good start. There's now less than two weeks to go through, so another $5,500 needs to be raised to make the project a reality. In addition to enhanced digital reorchestrations of a wide variety of classic music from Wing Commanders 3, 4 and Prophecy, when fans make this happen, composer George Oldziey will also do a live recording of the TCS Victory's bar music! To keep things rolling along, we should strive to hit at least $10,000 this weekend. You can help join in here!

Thank you SO much to all of you! Let's not get too confident or complacent! If you haven't already done so could you please share this campaign with others in your social media networks? Perhaps we could shoot for an end of weekend goal of $10K? I think it's definitely achievable!

Have a great weekend, all! And again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support! It's so very humbling and heartwarming!

Musically yours,


Here's a sample of what Wingnuts accomplished last time. This is the WC4 intro with some of the remastered music added in!

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