Flat Universe Moves Past Initial Alpha Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The Maslas Brothers have a status update on the development of their slick WC shooter, Flat Universe. Back throughout the spring time, the team conducted a very successful multiplayer alpha with some lucky fans. They were able to test out a wide variety of different ships across numerous star systems, and this proved out connectivity between Europe and North America. More recent development has focused on three key areas: music, navigation and a program updater. Here's more:
Right now the team is concentrated on three parts of the project.

a. Music engine. Cory, has made a serious progress on the music soundtrack of the project. Due to this fact we are working on how the music will wrap the project and how it will interact with the mission states and situations that the player might get into. Hopefully the next version will have interactive music.:rolleyes:

b. Charts/Nav system. For sometime now Kyrgiannis is cooking something and it smells good too!:cool: QGIS for those who have never heard of it before is an open source geographic information system that is used by many serious organizations and projects out there and it's becoming very popular between the analysts of geospatial data. We saw that a technology like this could be beneficial for the navigation system of FlatUniverse and now we are in the middle of implementing it into the game engine.

c. Patching/Distribution. You might remember that sometime in the past before we release the 0.8.5 version, we got our hands dirty on a patching system that should have been delivered with the 0.8.5 and it didn't make it. Fortunately, FlatUniverse is getting bigger and bigger with all the features that are going to be included. Unfortunately, a patching system has become an essential tool for the distribution of the project's patches and upgrades. Fortunately, this tool is almost ready to be shipped with the next version. In other words, smaller but more frequent version upgrades and in smaller chunks for faster downloads and installations.

Hopefully, in the upcoming days we will upload some screenshots for some of the points the we've mentioned above. Truly guys, there are times that I wish we could be developing games as a profession. But we have to work and feed our families from time to time.:D

the MaslasBros

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