Wing Commander Script Guides Updated For New Release Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

In the chaotic hustle and bustle leading up to the CIC Birthday, sometimes we run out of time to process a few things in time for the party. Shades' Wing Commander script guides didn't quite make the cut this year, but that means they gets a whole news cycle to themselves today! These were first previewed back in 2014, but Shades has used the intervening time to edit and clean up the documents. He officially calls this a "beta 2" release, but they already seem pretty polished. There's good reference material included concerning mission branching, Colonel Halcyon's briefings as well as the cutscenes. My favorite part is that each branching variant of the game's dialogues is shown. For example, the guide will show both winning and losing text, plus specify addition lines that are spoken if a Kilrathi ace gets shot down or additional verbiage if a wingman survives. Grab them below!

Like all of you I am a huge fan of Wing Commander and have been since the first game. One of the things I loved most about it was its branching story and like many of you I played it many times just to follow the many story branches. Many year ago I decided to flowchart the script/story of the Wing Commander games, something that could be read in a "Choose your own adventure" style. My first public release was for Wing Commander II. It was rough but still felt lacking. With my current scripts I've changed the layout and added more picture to help bring more of the feel of the game to the story. It's not done yet but I wanted to release it for the Birthday party. Constructive feedback is welcome.

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