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Here at the CIC we post a lot about various fan projects, complex RPG, gorgeous art and even fan fiction, but one thing we haven't much highlighted are the everyday interactions among Wingnuts at the CIC Forums. You might think after 17 and a half years that we've discussed every topic out there, but posters continue to come up with new perspectives on our classic franchise. LeHah recently challenged fellow posters to cast the Wing Commander novels with live actors. This is a really clever topic since there are so many memorable characters that are not depicted in any of the games with FMV cutscenes. On a slightly related note, Jdawg also asked which characters people wished they could have seen more of. That's another subject that brings up many fond memories. The forums also continue to sign up new members, so if you have advice for how Ramp83 (new to the CIC, but not to WC) should go about reliving the WC series, there's a thread for that too. Or you could just let everyone know what you think about the new Star Wars! Find even more threads here.

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