Thoughtful Movie Site Credits Wing Commander's Strengths Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

It's Video Game Movie Month at PodMeIfYouCan, and Wing Commander was is one of a handful of games like Dead or Alive, Silent Hill and Double Dragon that have been reviewed. There's always been negative reviews of the movie out there, but many of them are cookie cutter regurgitations of the same complaints: sound in space, gravity at the end of the flight deck, fighters that look different. PMIYC's review is refreshing because it comes in from a neutral perspective and doesn't attempt to be a high brow analysis that gets hung up on the small things. The podcaster takes notice of unique aspects such as how the same person led the creation of both the games and the film. Rather than simply trash Prinze and Lillard's performance, he appreciates the contrast between the hot shot young American actors and the seasoned European veterans. They're even forgiving about the look of the Kilrathi and role of the Pilgrims, although the speaker suggests the film would have been tighter had those elements been cut - or fully fleshed out in a director's cut with Chris Roberts' vision fully explained. We certainly agree with that!

Lloyd discusses the cult favourite 'Wing Commander' from 1999.

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