Paper Excalibur Model Being Engineered To Exact Specs Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Adm_Maverick checked in to provide a status update on his high precision Excalibur model. Development continues at a steady pace, but much of the work lately revolves around numerous careful measurements to ensure extreme fidelity to the Wing Commander 3 design. So, there isn't a lot of spaceship stuff to see at the moment, but the diagrams below provide a little peek into how seriously he's taking accuracy here. If there's any fighter that deserves to have so much care applied, this is it!
I've gotten the line-images compiled and uniformed so the various dimensions all line up. I took the files to Kinkos and got the full sized images printed out on 11x17 paper.

Because of the nature of this project, it's going to have several phases of intense work for little immediate result. This is one of those phases. Where I get to go through the line images I created, and begin extracting measurements. And measurements. and measurements. So far I have 25 measurements and I'm only... eh.... 80% finished. With the back view. I still have the front, side, top and bottom to do. And the top and bottom are going to be the big data-dumps! For reference, understand that the entire space the rear view takes up is 87.5mm high by 182mm wide while by comparison the top view occupies a space of 170mm wide by 305mm long. And the top and bottom views have a lot more detail then the rear. Still, gotta get started somewhere right? So what do I have to show today? Lots of lines and measurements, still have lots of lines and measurements to go.

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