Happy 17th Birthday, CIC! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Welcome Wingnuts to the celebration of the CIC's 17th Birthday! The years keep racing by faster and faster, and the site is now older than many staff members and visitors were in 1998 when we first set up shop at wcnews.com! To put it another way, the entire series wasn't even 17 years old when Wing Commander Arena was released in 2007. Incredibly however, traffic to the CIC is on pace to be 33% higher this month than a year ago. This is due to multiple factors, not the least of which is that a vibrant community attracts more followers, and all of the impressive things fans are doing are making this a better place every day. Now on to the birthday updates! To kick things off in style, check out this gorgeous image from DefianceIndustries!

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