Debris Mod For WC Saga Plus Undergoes Testing Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The Saga Plus team is working on a cool new feature: a debris mod for capital ships. In Saga's engine, capital ships are destroyed in a large explosion that leaves nothing behind. With this patch, large pieces of hull wreckage are left careening through space, damaging anything that gets in their path, including the player's ship. Luke has provided a short video to demonstrate this upcoming feature.
Currently we test an unpublished mod from the WCS team called "Debris Mod". With this all capital ships (Confed & Kilrathi) explode as before but leave wreckage pieces. Every ship has its own set of wreckage. Every wreckage rotates and flies away with different speed. The wreckage have mass so they can damage other ships. The fighter AI can do evasive actions to avoid collisions. Both sides affected by the Debris Mod, so this brings a bit more dynamic to a battle.

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