Exotic Kilrathi Heavy Fighter Gives Excalibur A Run For Its Money Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Klavs has made some great Excalibur wallpapers over the years, but it's always fun to see what other talented artists can do when they don't need to build all of the art assets from scratch and can instead just focus on setting up a scene. Chris Kroznuski made this wallpaper with a simple background, but it pairs the Excal with the terrifying Hhriss in a match-up I don't think we've ever seen before. Although it appears the Kilrathi heavy fighter has the upper hand, there are very few dogfights the Excalibur can't win. The title is "Hairless Ape Escape," so even if the Confed pilot has been forced to turn back, it can easily outrun its Kat counterpart!

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