Revisit the Golden Age of Space Sims Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Arstechnica has published a fun article titled "The five space sims that defined my youth," which is an awesome topic that we can definitely get behind. The author touts the series interactivity, branching paths, engrossing cutscenes, awesome sound and high quality graphics as what put it on top. Other sections in the writeup are about singular titles in a franchise, but the entire Wing Commander series gets a nod here. Even when he moves on to Star Wars, he mentions WC and even Strike Commander at least half a dozen times throughout its portion. There's a final reminder at the end that despite the terribly long drought after the 1990's, we're living in good times thanks to the easy availability of classic games today and the new crop of space sims on the horizon. Check out the full piece for yourself here.

Wing Commander sold with abandon and became one of the defining PC gaming experiences of the early 1990s. ... Wing Commander, in particular, has one of gaming's grandest legacies. The Privateer spin-off series were outstanding, combining some Elite-style elements into the Wing Commander universe. For a number of years, Origin was an unbeatable powerhouse of space flight gaming.
Thanks to Kyle Maverick for the tip!

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