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Former Origin senior artist Denis Loubet has kicked off a vote for his next project. The poll is being conducted through Patreon, which is a type of crowd funding site built around supporting artists. Fans can sponsor Mr. Loubet at the site for as little as $1 per piece, which gives them access to new creations on a regular basis. Among the ten options in his new poll are three Wing Commander choices. Denis is the main behind many of the most iconic animations, cockpits and Kilrathi in the series, so we'd love to see what else he might have up his sleeve!
Right now, my Patreon is a hotbed of Ultima fans. Ewww! :p You don't want them deciding what art I'm going to do, do you! ;) I need more Wing Commander fans to be patrons because although I don't mind fantasy, I also like science fiction! Help save me from a career of swords and sandals! ;)
Voting on a Patron Project for me to do starts today, and ends on May 11th at noon central time. Only Patrons can vote!

Here are the 10 candidates:
1. Ultima 7 cover (Color, LB approved.)
2. Ultima 2 cover (Color, based on recent illustration.)
3. Ultima Online cover (Color, LB or Raph Koster approved)
4. Ultima Fiction illustrations (B&W, perhaps The Tale of Captain Johne, given permission.)
5. Ultima Tableau illustrations (Color, assorted scenes from Ultima, player approved.)
6. Ultima Cover as Movie Poster (Color, where I try to impersonate Drew Struzan.)
7. Generic Fantasy Character studies (Color, Dwarf, Elf, etc, you know the drill! Load them up with character.)
8. Wing Commander portraits (Color, how I envision them.)
9. Wing Commander / Ultima crossover illo (Color, qwirky Kilrathi in Britannia illustration!)
10. Ultima / Wing Commander cardboard heroes (Color, cardboard miniatures of WC characters and ships.)

1. Only Patrons can vote, so become one now!
2. Send a Patreon message to me, or reply to the voting thread on my Patreon Activity Feed, with your top 3 choices.
3. Each of the 3 choices must be different, duplicates will be ignored.
4. Voting ends May 11th at noon central time.
5. The project that shows up most often, wins!

May the coolest task win!

Here's a bit more background on how this setup works for those who new to Patreon:
Patreon is crowd-funding. But you're not buying art, you're funding the artist. I have my patreon campaign set up in a "per art" arrangement where the patron is charged each month for each piece of art I do. This is why funding levels are usually smaller on a Patreon than a Kickstarter. You can, however, cap your monthly funding to stay within your budget. You could, for instance, fund at $5, and cap at $5. That means you get charged $5 for the first piece of art I do that month, and you get any subsequent art that month "for free!" :D

This decoupling of what you pay versus what you get is why you're not really buying art. It might look like a patron is gaming the system and getting free art, but they're not. The artist is still getting some funding from them, and feeling grateful because he knows how rare good fans are! :) Plus what would be the point of consciously ripping off someone you want to fund? The whole idea is to make it possible for the artist to work for his fans, and that includes you! ;) I expect to do about 3 to 4 "chargeable" pieces of art a month, and also offer a host of freebies. Of course, since I'm currently trying to social-media my way to more patrons, I've only had time to do 1 or 2 chargeable pieces a month so far. (Mostly 1.) :(

So for as little as a dollar a month, you can fund me and I'll be forever grateful! :)

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