WC RPG Makes Kilrathi Expansion Progress & Launches Art Campaign Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Despite spring back falling right in the middle, March has been a big month for the Wing Commander RPG Wiki. The first half was largely about setting up the adventure pages for the different acts in the Elegy of Sivar campaign. This was important as it allows capi to plug in individual missions at will now. He also made a slick translation of the module's title into Kilrathi. On top of developing the faction reputation system for the game, the second half of the month was heavily devoted to setting up the game's Kickstarter campaign. The crowdfunding project that he's launched isn't directly intended to assist with the RPG itself. Rather, it's a collaboration with famous Origin artist Denis Loubet to create some amazing cover art for the game. Whether or not you intend to ever role play, getting one of the original Wing Commander artists to build a brand new creation in 2015 is certainly something we can get behind! You can find out more project details and contribute here.

An Elegy for Sivar, also known as "Elegy" for short, is the latest WCRPG module currently under development. It is intended to be the WCRPG system's first full-fledged campaign setting, set in the year 2680 in a region of space known as Epsilon Sector. In addition to the campaign setting, a pre-published full-sized campaign will be included. The campaign tells the story of Krahtagh "Bloodeye" N'Ryllis, a Kilrathi pirate whose demise is chronicled in the documentation of Wing Commander: Prophecy. The main plot-line of the campaign will chronicle the activities of N'Ryllis's group, the Demon's Eye Pack, as they attempt to re-build Kilrathi society. The main campaign will has a total of 44 individual adventures planned, though it is structured such that only 16 of these missions comprise the main plot. The module will include enough additional data that player groups will be able to develop their own adventures within the setting. One final and unique feature of the guide will be a Kilrathi lexicon.

Alright - so this is a game, right? Why is this on Kickstarter under Art Projects?

That's a good question with a simple answer: the purpose of the Kickstarter project is not to fund the development of the campaign guide itself. Rather, the goal of the campaign is to fund the artwork that will appear in it. The artist I hope to hire to do the cover art for the project is none other than Denis Loubet.

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