Flat Universe Lays Out Path Ahead Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The Maslas Brothers have popped in to provide the latest status on Wing Commander Flat Universe, and they've also answered a few fan questions. A pending update to the game will address issues brought up by fans in the past, and their long term roadmap will continue to deliver what the people want. Grab the latest alpha for Windows, Mac or Linux here.

We know that we have turned to silent mode for a while but believe us when we say that it is for a good reason. Right now we are in the process of tuning our game engine and if we mange to make it through right on schedule it won't be long until you'll get your new update. :) Hopefully this "following update" that I am referring to will include better graphics quality and more balanced overall performance.

Since we are the two of us who are working on this project, we are trying hard to automate some of our development procedures (e.g. in game update system) in order to gain time and schedule more frequent updates. Our ultimate goal is to deliver this free game to the community finished, but not just that. We want the game to be delivered to the standards that we have set. Therefore, we will try to give frequent updates but if we have to hold our scheduled build for the good of the project, then the update will be postponed.

We love your passion and interest for "FlatUniverse" and of-course we are always available to answer to your calls. Always, feel free to tell us what's on your mind through this forum or any of the known contact methods that we provide. Stay tuned for new updates! ;)


Q: Will you make Kilrathi ships flyable as well, somewhere down the road?

A: Well not exactly down the road... The first of those is supposed to be flyable not in the next update but on the one after ;)

Q: How do you create missions? Some kind of text file (or XML or something), like in the FS2 engine, or do you actually have a graphical editor?

A: At the moment we design our missions directly in the game engine. However we have planned for and have the mechanics ready for a graphical mission editor that will hopefully also support chained missions (that's a synonym for campaigns)!

We've planned for one or two initial campaigns with one that might involve a Kilrathi side to the story. Now we would not mind if you prefer to make your own campaigns. That would be more fun...

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