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Here's a story fifteen years in the making: way back on August 26, 1999 (coincidentally the one year anniversary of Secret Ops' release), we reported on the "Star in Starlancer" contest. Lucky fans could win the opportunity to be featured in a digital promo poster for Erin Roberts' space sim game. Jaev73040 was one of the winners, and he recently came back to share the results - a pretty nifty squadron render! He's pictured in the bottom right. This happens to be a scan, so if anyone out there still has a digital copy, please let us know.

Sorry I'm a bit late to the party :) I was one of the people that won that contest. I am attaching a picture of the winners. I was in the Army deployed in Bosnia when this contest happened. I emailed in my pictures and was estatic when I got back word that I was picked. Not that long after they emailed all the winners this group photo of our virtual characters. I'm in the front row all the way to the right. "Timothy A. Roy" Sorry for the quality. I printed the digital image at one point from my old school AOL account and then lost the email and saved image on a failed hard drive. At least I have the print out to scan :) If any of the other winners has the original digital version I'd love to get a copy of it.

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