Origin Veteran Tony Zurovec Joins Star Citizen Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Joystiq reports that Origin veteran Tony Zurovec has joined the Austin branch of CIG, where he will take charge of the persistent universe (press release). He recently sat down for a video interview with Chris Roberts (embedded below). A few years ago, Good Old Games published the transcript of an extensive Q&A session with Zurovec. While that interview focused on Crusader, it also provided some great insights into what it was like working on game development at Origin in the mid '90s. Check it out here.

Star Citizen’s prodigious scope has led to a modular development strategy whereupon groups of skilled developers across the world have been assembled to concentrate on different sections of the game. In his new job Zurovec will be directing design, engineering, and art in the Austin studio that will be focusing a lot of its efforts on Star Citizen’s persistent universe. He’ll also have responsibilities involving management of some of CIG’s contract studios. He’ll join a growing list of studio heads reporting directly to Roberts, who will continue to lead and oversee all aspects of Star Citizen’s creation, a complex endeavor that’s expanded to include more than 250 employees and contractors.

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