Exeter Evens the Odds Against the Kilrathi Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Not one to let the Kats have all the fun, Klavs has bolstered the Confed fleet with his take on the Exeter class destroyer. This design comes across as very sleek for a large capship, and those big engines make it look like she can really build up some speed! The canted nose and recessed rear hangar bay are especially nice touches.

Once again, Howard Day led the way with the rear hangar concept. I just enclosed it a bit and did my own take on this old girl. I built the ship around a pair of Bengal engines, and yes, I'm aware it's missing a pair! Not the greatest fan of this design, but I think it will serve well in general fleet and battle shots.

Final Hours for Kickstarter Campaign Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

George Oldziey's Wing Commander Album Kickstarter is heading into its final push. With twelve hours to go, the project has exceeded the $35,000 target by $4,000! The additional funds will go a long way towards either increasing the amount of live orchestra recorded or adding digital reorchestration to approach a standard album length! We're excited to see what the final KS number will be!

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