Let's Play Prophecy! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Whistler has come across another Wing Commander entry at the lparchive.org website. The Let's Play Archive is a place where gamers can document their play-through experience with screenshots, video and (often humorous) commentary. From June through September of 2007, Proteus4994 played through Wing Commander: Prophecy, logging almost 50 reports consisting of mission recaps, screenshots, gameplay recordings, cutcenes and page extracts from the official strategy guide. There are also a few bonus items, like alternate cutscenes and recordings of mission failures. Check it out here.
With the third wave, the aliens finally wised up and sent out some fighters who could pose a threat to us. I believe I counted eight Mantas and six Stingrays flying out from the dreadnaught's launcher, which was more than enough to keep five Vampires busy. The Mantas had a bad habit of distracting a pilot with one Manta flying evasive maneuvers while a second Manta came up behind you and blasted you from behind. And if you switched over to that Manta, the first one would take up the position behind you. It was a no-win situation, and the only way out was to ignore the Mantas and call for help from your wingmen.
Closer to home, Dundradal organised a community replay that ran from 2008 to 2009. Wing Commander fans played through the entire main series, including mission packs.

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