Russian WC4 Translation In Development
ginger_tigra has kicked off an ambitious effort to translate Wing Commander 4 into Russian. It adds subtitles to cutscenes and revised interface text to the DVD version of WC4. The CD version can be upgraded to the DVD version via the DVD upgrade patch so it's compatible too. These upgrades do not yet work with the GOG edition of WC4, although tigra is hopeful that this could be possible in the future. The game and movies are about half translated so far, and work continues to address items like in-flight comms, cockpit screens and weapons. Since this is a work in progress, the installation method requires a number of steps, but detailed instructions are available to anyone who wants to try it out. Check out the CIC Forums for more information!I present my work in progress: Russian translation of Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom. This is the add-on to DVD version of game and based on deep mod of dxmci.dll; six-CD version upgraded by DVD upgrade patch is suitable too. Unfortunately the GOG version of WC4 isn't supported by my addon, and I have no idea about how make it compatible yet :-( but I hope that idea will come - sooner or later.
Work is in progress. At now, I have: - all fonts are cyrillized, i.e. contain Russian, Ukrainian and Bielarussian letters;
- "static" part of game fully translated: main terminal (except weapons in fighter selection screen), carriers' interiors, mission texts (from beginning to mission G3), list of pilots, loudspeaker subtitles, post-"funeral" menu;
- in flight translated: comm menu for Confed and Border Worlds fighters, in-flight options and help screens, а "form" of nav map, messages from fighter's computer;
- about 55% of movies (from intro to Pasqual system, ejecting, lose game) subtitled;
- about a half of in-movie choice menu strings translated;
- tools and utilities:
- treutils are currently incorporated into dxmci pack;
- iffparse, decompiler of IFFs to text, - currently supports not all of IFF types but I continue developing it;
- iffmake, compiler of decompiled and translated IFF, - is fully functional, and its input language is as simple as possiible;
- fontxtra is an exractor of fonts from globals.iff game file and can be modified to extract other WC4-like fonts
To Do: hack formats of: - subtitles of in-flight radio talks;
- naming of targets on targetting comp screens;
- naming of star systems on nav map;
- naming of weapons.
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