Upgrade Your GOG WC Prophecy With DVD Video!
As soon as Wing Commander Prophecy was released on GOG last week, fans immediately got to work testing out the various upgrades and improvements that Wingnuts have developed over the years. WC4 on GOG is especially noteworthy for including the high quality cutscenes from the DVD version, but this was not the case for the new WCP that just went on sale. This has to do with the fact that WC4 DVD was commercially available via a late '90s Creative Labs DVD-ROM bundle, but WCP DVD movies were only distributed via the CIC. Fortunately, the same patches that update your CD version of Prophecy still work with the GOG edition! Here's a quick summary from Popsicle Pete on how to get the best looking game:
Current limitation: The DVD movies only work in OpenGL mode.
- Install GOG Prophecy
- Download HCl's WCP Enhancement Package, and unzip the files straight into the WCP folder. Make sure you DON'T overwrite Prophecy.exe or WCPHR.DLL
- Install Pedro's OpenGL Package
- Right-click on Prophecy.exe, select "Properties", "Compatibility" tab, and remove the "Win98" compatibility flag. Make sure you also click on the "All users settings" button at the bottom and remove it there too.
- Download the DVD movies, and unzip them into a folder called "Movie" in the WCP folder.
Note that this has been primarily tested with Windows 7, so there could be slight differences with other operating systems. Visit the CIC Forums if you have something else to add or if you find an issue that needs to be addressed.
And if you missed it a few weeks back, be sure to check out HCl's Privateer 2 Patch! It adds deinterlaced movies and many other fixes to either the disc-based or GOG versions of P2.
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