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As the video game world transitions into a new console cycle, it's time to once again see which format fans would be most excited about. It's a good bet that PC would win if it were an option, but this question asks about all the other systems. EA is known for major AAA titles spanning multiple platforms, but our experience over the last generation shows that some intriguing possibilities exist for niche games. EA Replay was released for the original Sony PSP in 2006, and Wing Commander Arena graced the XBox Live Arcade in 2007. The Playstation 3 even got a downloadable version of Wing Commander 4 in 2009. Where would you like to see Wing Commander pop up next?

We last ran this poll in 2006, and it's fun to see how the choices have changed since then:
Our annual birthday poll results were also interesting this year! (to us, at least!) The 1999 (and combined 2000) option got the most votes. Apparently growing internet availability and the WC Movie brought in a lot of new faces, because that year also won in 2002, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2011. In the mid 2000s, "1 year or less," took the top spot. In the last few years, WCHS in 1996 and the CIC's grand opening in 1998 even each took a turn. The overall profile of the results curve hasn't change too much over time, which is a good thing - we're still bringing in new Wingnuts every year!

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