Hangar Prototype Available Online Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Have you been anxiously awaiting a flight deck hangar of your very own? How about one where you can walk around the coolest ships fully rendered in 3D? The wait is over! Howard Day has put together a prototype Concordia Hangar in the Unity engine. The implementation is very preliminary, but it currently allows players to walk around his gorgeous Broadsword bomber model. There's a ramp on the right side that even allows the crew chief to walk up on top of the fuselage. If you can make it up, don't forget to check out the cockpit! Visit the hangar here and let Howard know what you think at the CIC Forums.

Hey, guys. I have been inspired by the Star Citizen hangar release, and thought I'd give replicating their scene a shot. And since I have high res versions of the Broadsword and Scimitar, I thought I'd let you guys see what they look like. It's pretty crazy how well they hold up. I still need to add some detail around the cockpit area, and around the landing gear... but it's pretty impressive what unity can do when worked on in an evening. I added fancy glass shaders, and tweaked the paint on the Broadsword.

I know the mouse movement is twitchy. This is still very, very alpha. Very. Here's a link! Let me know what you think!

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