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The annual CIC web site & fan project contests are in full swing! If you haven't voted yet, please take a look at the nominees and help pick a winner below. There's a lot of busy fans out there that have helped make 2012 a blast, so we know it can be hard to choose!

    Web Site of the Year
  • Pix's Origin Adventures is amazingly dedicated to all things Origin. Pix is constantly researching old material, digging up cool oddities and sharing new insights into the Wing Commander series and its sibling franchises. His archive is neatly organized by game, and troves of information are available in just a few clicks.
  • Shotglass' Bar fills the need to keep German fans in the loop. Germany has historically been one of the largest markets for the WC series, and they stay on top of the latest news here.
  • Tactical Operations is an awesome fan made tabletop Wing Commander game, and it continues to be refined into a slick online package. Basic coding is virtually complete, and a game manager is coming soon.
  • Wedge's Wing Commander continues to see incremental updates to help Wing Commander fans stay on top of things. The site moved to a new web host, added new WC patches and updated its interface and presentation in recent months.
  • Wing Commander RPG Wiki is the headquarters for capi's fan made role playing game. In addition to rules for playing the game, it's also packed with information about the WC universe. There are also other resources to help aspiring fans of tabletop WC play.
    Fan Project of the Year
  • The Collected works of CMDBob highlight classic Wing Commander 1 ships in a charming animated style. It'd be great to see these in more than just wallpapers someday.
  • The Collected works of Cybot are numerous and diverse. His models cover everything from the Academy TV show to Privateer, and they highlight understated buoys and transport craft just as much as massive dreadnoughts.
  • The Collected works of NinjaLA adds a hand-made touch to Wing Commander fan art. His Wing Commander sketches are also timely as they are prolifict as they often commemorate news or special events in the WC universe.
  • The Collected works of ScoobyDoo have a distinctive metallic style that has contributed to the fleets of multiple fan projects this year. When he's not helping out various mods, the results are very creative hybrids inspired by famous WC ships.
  • Enigma 2666 has been one of the more consistent mods over the last year. It's seen steady progress that's added many more ships and implemented them in the game engine.
  • From the Jaws of Defeat is a case study in how to set a goal, work hard and release a fan product in a timely fashion. It's an audio adventure that stars voice actors from around the community - hopefully the first of many!
  • Klavs' (Physical) Models aren't just beautiful on screen. Via rapid prototyping, a handful of Wing Commander ships can be yours for tabletop gaming or desk ornamentation. This is still an emerging technology, and there are high hopes that more complex designs will be possible as model size increases and cost decreases in the coming years.
  • Wing Commander Saga concluded a decade of development with the big release of their highly anticipated game in 2012. The game garnered much attention and fans hope for ports to be released in 2013.

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