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The old Origin website may be long gone, but EA still maintains an FTP server with patches and help files for everything from major franchises like Wing Commander and Ultima, to one-off titles like Wings of Glory and Bioforge. Point your web browser or FTP client here to view the directory listing.

The CIC retired its public FTP server a few years ago for a plain HTTP service, but our files and music directories can be traversed with any browser. The files directory takes up around 77 gigs and contains everything from official demos, patches and trailers to fan-made games and DVD "upgrade kits". Our music files take up less then 2 gigs, but it would still take quite a while to listen to every song that's on there. On average, our visitors generate about a terabyte of download traffic each month. If you come across an old FTP link somewhere on the internet and you want to get hold of that file, just replace with

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