Chris Roberts Talks Wing Commander Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

PCGamesN has conducted a new interview with Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts. It's a fairly extensive Q&A session that continues to discuss Mr. Roberts' thoughts on crowdfunding and his new game. Chris has been making the making the media rounds fairly regularly since announcing Star Citizen, and there have been quite a few similar interviews out there, but this one highlights his current thoughts in regards to the Wing Commander series.
...And on Wing Commander

PCGN: Theoretically, if you could, would you like to buy back the Wing Commander rights?

CR: Definitely. If I could get Wing Commander back, if it was mine to control and not EA saying “Here you are, have it for a game,” then I’d definitely be interested. Part of the thing that’s frustrating is that, when you create a world and you’ve overseen it for a while, and I had to sell it when Electronic Arts bought Origin, I can’t go back and visit that world without their say-so. But they don’t care about that world, I care about that world.

That’s one of the reasons I’m doing what I did with Star Citizen. This enables me to control my IP. To me, this is not just one game. This is a world I want to constantly update and add new cool stuff to and have a community. I’d be happy if, ten years after it comes out, people are still into it, still playing it, and it’s moved on and evolved. I want to be able to be in a position to guide it because I feel like I’m best suited to know what’s best for the franchise.

If I had the opportunity to get Wing Commander back in the same way, that’d be great, but EA has different priorities, so who knows if that can happen.

In their weekly update the team at Roberts Space Industries is kicking off a couple new options for fans. Monetary pledges towards the game can now be gifted to other people, and there will soon be a weekly web show devoted to development activities at Cloud Imperium Games. Here's a preview of "Wingman's Hangar."

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