Elaborate WCRPG Hits the Home Stretch Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

capi3101's Wing Commander RPG is nearly complete! According to the game's Grand Master Plan, only 1-2% of the total work remains to be done. However, as you can see from the project's massive table of contents, there is so much information involved that the remaining work could continue for a little while yet.

There's been quite a bit of work on non-canon vehicles and ships recently, and capi is taking submissions on what else might be worthwhile to include - think the RSI Constellation. The bulk of the remainining activity continues to revolve around the "Who's Who in the Wing Commander Universe section. About a hundred character profiles are in the queue.

Check out the project's thread at the CIC Forums for more information, or go straight to the project wiki. Aspiring modders, writers and other creative Wingnuts should also take note of how to run a successful fan project. capi started with a solid plan outline and has been devoted to regular updates for over a year. That's how you stay on track!

This last week saw continued work in Chapter 12.2. I'm thinking my pace is going to be twenty profiles a week; I've been trying to get back up to thirty but so far it hasn't happened. Either way I was still off pace this week owing to an all-day event on Thursday alongside with some crucial work being done in another project I'm working on.

A total of twelve profiles were completed this week, rounding out the P1 character set and beginning work with the End Run/Action Stations group. I did have some time to continue work on headers and I'm pleased to announce that I was able to get the entire character set from Prophecy completed. At this point I only have about two dozen headers left to finish up, though I did discover this week that I am going to have to compose a brand new header for Janet McCullogh's False Colors profile (her history on WCPedia ends after Action Stations).

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