Gemini's Famous Foursome on the Ballot Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Many of our visitors are probably burned out on the subject of voting, but we've got a new front page poll that asks what everyone's favorite Privateer ship is. We've actually never run this poll before - can you believe it?! You can see the last 14 years of CIC polls here. Can everyone out there match these four cockpits to the appropriate ship? Hit the Comments link and share your trivia knowledge!

The last poll asked about fans' expectations on Chris Roberts' new game. About half the people who voted thought he was working on a new Franchise, with over a third thinking it would be a Wing Commander/Privateer.

Polling For Additional Stretch Goals Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

With elections coming tomorrow in the United States, what better way to spend the day before than to bombard readers with another poll. RSI has posted a new survey asking supporters about additional stretch goals they would want to see. The choices range from adding more flyable ships to having multiple localized language versions. Be sure to do your civic duty and vote for the options you want to see! (And comment if your 'Other' vote is to make this a Wing Commander game!)

As we enter the last two weeks of the pledge campaign, we’re continuing to look at ways to make sure Squadron 42 and Star Citizen are the game you want to play. To that end, we’re preparing to roll out a more comprehensive set of stretch goals… and, as usual, we would like the community’s input. What do YOU think we could plan to add to our campaign?

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