Final Word: Thanks! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

I hope you enjoyed all of that material! The most sincere thank you to the thousands of Wing Commander fans who continue to make this site worthwhile. It sounds corny, but we wouldn't be anywhere without you.

Thank you to the rest of the staff for making the day and day-in possible: Chris, Dundradal, AD, ace, Hades. You are the best friends someone could ask for. And as always, would absolutely not exist without Kris' quiet competence.

Thank you to NinjaLA, LeHah, PopsiclePete and NomadTerror who continue to support the Wing Commander community in myriad ways and who all help make #WingNut a joy to come home to. And a personal thank you to Trelane, who has always been there for me.

And to all the former developers who continue to share their history with us! I learn something new about Wing Commander every week because of their impossible kindness.

Now let's make 2013 the best year yet.

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