New WC Ship Viewer In Development Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

BOC_Havoc has put together a very sharp 3D ship viewer. The program is still in the prototype stages, but you can try out the current build here. The unity web player plugin is needed to see the model. Klavs' Ferret is available to manipulate in the current mockup, and it's already pretty cool. Havoc has some ambitious ideas for this app, so let him know if you can help!

I had the idea of building an online 3D shipviewer for the wcnews shipdatabase, so I sat down today and created a very basic first version. Please not that the GUI is horrible (I just wanted to try some things out) and most likely isn't needed at all. Press and hold the left mouse button to orbit around the ship. Use the mousewheel to zoom in and out.

The intention of this is not to create another standalone shipviewer, but rather to create a web application that can be easily included whereever you like. Want the viewer in the wcnews shipdatabase? Inlude it. Want to post on the forums and to make your post more clear include some shots of a ship from a specific angle? Inlude the shipviewer in your post along with coordinates for the camera and you're done. The purpose is to have some sort of interactive screenshot that can easily be shared with others.

The only thing that's stopping me from finishing this up is this: Would anyone be willing to prepare the needed models for this (remember that the database can be filled step by step)? There's some in the download section, but not every ship is available. Also, would you guys back this up if I open up a kickstarter for this to get the needed funds for Flash support (remember that this is optional)? And most importantly: Would anyone use it at all?

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