Basic TacOps Game Coding Almost Complete Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

More improvements have been made to the TacOps Online engine. Secondary weapon systems such as flak and missiles are pretty well integrated with the game now, but the biggest news is that almost all of the original Tactical Operations tabletop rules have now been coded into the software-based game. Once this milestone is complete, Avacar will move into making the game master tools so that fans can easily start up their own adventures.

Ask and you shall receive; I've tentatively coded in a UI improvement to the combat phase to reflect this. I'll let you guys tell me if this is obvious. (You'll only see a difference if you're making an opportunity shot).

While on the topic, we're getting very very close to finishing my goals for Phase 5 (which is "all rules coded, if not 100% debugged). Once we move onto phase 6, I'm going to initially work on an in-game editor for 'game-runners' to allow on-the-fly editing of ships, and eventually a set of game-building tools. While working on this, I also hope to have Phase 6 include UI improvements/bug fixes. This will be when you guys can suggest things like the above, ways to make field reports better, etc. Start generally thinking on it, although we may be a month or so out from when I really dive into it.

Well, I resolved the issue involving firing flak and missiles at the same time. This lead to the discovery of a generally broken IR missile (at least for a cap ship, I don't think we've seen issues firing them on fighters). Unfortunately I can't actually get my missile locked on beta to fire this phase without rewinding a few full turns. Not only that, while it claims that scratch just got a "new" lock on Beta this time around, I can see in the database that that lock is bogus.

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