New Poll Examines Extremely Versatile Warship Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The new CIC poll asks what everyone's favorite Confed cruiser class ship is. While most of the action that we see in Wing Commander is carrier-based, cruisers vastly outnumber their larger fighter-carrying cousins and can hold their own in capship battles as well. Many cruisers carry their own fighter compliment, and they are often built to fill specialized needs of the fleet. We can predict which few might take an early lead: Waterloos and Tallahassees were prominent escorts throughout the series, and the Hades and Plunkett both awed players in Secret Ops. The Concordia class supercruiser from the WC Movie also has quite a few fans. Some of the lesser know ships were also important though. Freedom Flight notes that the TCS Austin from The Secret Missions 2 was a Gettysburg class cruiser, and the WC4 novel added a class of heavy cruisers that the TCS Achilles belonged to. Last, but not least, the TCS Manassas is a light cruiser that shows up in the WC Academy episode "Chain of Command." Vote for your favorite above!

The old poll asked what Wingnuts' favorite game conclusions were. Wing Commander 3 & 4 were overwhelming favorites, followed by WC2's final mission in a distant third place spot. The captured stellar accretion device from Secret Ops, which served as the series' cliff hanger for a decade until Wing Commander Arena arrived, got no love with just 1% of the vote.

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