PixelFoundry Forges Ahead Into BlackSpace And Finds Wing Commander Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

BlackSpace - a space based real-time strategy game for the PC - has been announced by new studio PixelFoundry, established by former EA Tiburon members Volga Aksoy and Jerry Phaneuf.

The space age emerges and fleets of ships await their birth. Massive mining rigs scatter into the darkness of space in hopes of finding mineral deposits to prospect for extraction. BlackSpace takes you to the edge of known space where nature's true hostility lay bare. It's here, in the frontiers of the galaxy, that those dubbed the BlackSpace colonists expect to prove that life can not only exist but flourish. It is yet to be demonstrated whether these deep space ventures can yield returns to justify the expense and the risk. You and your crew are among those who believe they can.

BlackSpace, is a unique form of real-time strategy, combining elements of action with an emphasis on economic and defensive efficiency. Players will find themselves on the outskirts of explored space, harvesting minerals, and supplying markets, while using the resources around them to sustain their operations as well as the lives of the colonist workers.

BlackSpace, is a unique form of real-time strategy, combining elements of action with an emphasis on economic and defensive efficiency. Players will find themselves on the outskirts of explored space, harvesting minerals, and supplying markets, while using the resources around them to sustain their operations as well as the lives of the colonist workers.

While the teaser itself doesn't reveal much about the game, the small team of developers look to blend elements from classics such as Wing Commander and Warcraft (the RTS, not the MMO) to create something that they feel will appeal to modern audiences. Read more here.

"I personally am a huge fan of games like the Wing Commander series. I also am one of the few that still think RTS when someone mentions Warcraft. If it's done properly, many elements of those two games can be melded," Phaneuf told Joystiq. "We see this as a great opportunity to make the game that we can't wait to play. So we're pretty excited about getting it done soon, but also growing it over time as well."

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