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Everyone's seen the famous magazine covers that appeared just prior to Wing Commander 4's release, but a lot of people have never read the actual write-ups within. Heart of the Tiger is here to fix that with a scan of the December 1995 issue of Computer Games Strategy Plus. It begins with the Hellcat-chasing-a-Banshee cover, then continues with an article packed full of the game's FMV and space flight screenshots. The text is a wonderful read as the author captures the anticipation and excitement of the upcoming release very well. Enjoy!

Hollywood "Puppet Master" Bud McGrew recounts "originally there were supposed to be three Kilrathi in the new game. Due to budgetary constraints that would produce three 'only all right' Kilrathi, Origin decided to replace quantity with quality. So now we have one 'movie quality' Kilrathi."

Melek, the sole Kilrathi in the game, was custom constructed using four off-the-shelf Futaba radio control systems. These are connected to a Kuper motion control computer which was modified to work with the radios. To give you some indication of how sophisticated Melek really is, the gorilla "Amy" from the movie Congo was constructed with 23 servos while Melek has an astonishing 27.

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