New RPG Counters Come From Exotic Sources Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's capi's latest batch of role-playing counter tokens, and these have a bit of a twist. The first two sheets below are squadron emblems borrowed from the Wing Commander Customizable Card Game. This is a fun idea! Some 104 different symbols are displayed here to spice up any tabletop game. The next pair of images are full of craft from Wing Commander Standoff, which allows for scenarios based off the scenes in the popular fan mod. Finally, a sheet of Black Lance/Border Worlds counters have been put together, and some improvements to the Prophecy card have been made. All of the tokens made so far have also been organized at the WCRPG Wikia page here.

I have completed the squadron emblem sheet set. The set consists of two sheets, one for Confederation emblems and the other for Kilrathi emblems (with one carry-over from the Confederation page). There are five copies of all Confederation emblems and four of all Kilrathi emblems; considering there are 47 unique Confederation emblems and 57 unique Kilrathi emblems...well, this enables 104-player games (of which I'm pretty sure none exist). If someone needs more tokens for their own use, they can simply prepare multiple copies of the sheet (or just use more than one squadron emblem). Even if you're not interested in pnp games, this is a collection of one of the more unique portions of the CCG; I'm not sure if it's ever been gathered together in one place like this. Debating as to whether or not I want to post up the entire emblem set or not as a separate set of downloads...


I decided to take the route where people could recreate any single mission from Standoff in pnp (perhaps using TacOps rules; it wouldn't require much rules tweaking at all - torpedo rules, maybe). That, of course, required the availability of a metric tonne of some Kilrathi craft, which in turn ultimately led to the decision to A) make this a two-sheet set, and B) make it dependent upon the ordnance sheet. I also went ahead and used silhouettes created from the in-game models, made possible thanks to Quarto's most excellent ship viewer modification (only exception to this is the Shoklar, which I only realized was missing last night; I wanted to get this done, however, so I just went with the Armada model). It's interesting to compare the silhouettes from this set to their originals, personally. Of course, this set includes the unique craft whose only appearance has been in Standoff, the reason why I created the set in the first place.

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