The Party's Still Rocking at the Frontier
Iceblade reminded us that the Wing Commander Gemini Sector MUSH is still in operation, and it's welcoming new players! The game is a text-based RPG that follows the adventures of a Bengal class carrier in the late 2650s. Check out the project's website for information on how to connect or try out MudConnector. Logs of prior RPG sessions have been archived here, and they make for a super fun read! Visit the CIC Forums if you have any questions.
In the distant future, mankind is locked in a deadly war…The year is 2659. War between the Terran Confederation and the felinoid aliens known as the Kilrathi has raged for twenty years, with no end in sight. Seeking to break the stalemate, the Kilrathi have launched a surprise offensive through the edge of Terran-controlled space in Gemini Sector. A tenacious counteroffensive has pushed back the first wave of the Kilrathi assault, but with a massive Kilrathi force in front and a morass of corruption behind, it may only be a matter of time until the Terran lines break…
Based on the 'Wing Commander' series of games, Wing Commander: Gemini Sector offers space opera fun in a bureaucracy-light atmosphere. The game is set aboard a single Terran Confederation carrier, the TCS Majestic, so roleplay is never far away. Chargen is quick, rules are light, and the guiding principle is 'We are all here to have fun'.
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