Time to See Your Vet, Kitty! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

To commemorate the amazing news that the Wing Commander Academy series will soon be released on DVD, Klavs has put together his own rendition of the upcoming set's cover art. A pair of his gorgeous Scimitars take on a wing of Dralthi - a scene often repeated in the television show!

Thought I'd try my own take on the WCA DVD cover. Hope you guys like it!

Apologies to Howard Day for stealing a shot of one of his Pioneer explosions, it just worked so well!

WC TacOps Seeking One More Pilot Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Things have been quiet on the Wing Commander Tactical Operations Online front lately, but Avacar, Ironduke and the rest of the beta pilots are still plotting their next move. They have one player who's dropped out of the current test game, so one person who is up to speed on the rules now has the opportunity to take over the missing person's ships. Reply within the next 24 hours to be considered!

I did find someone who will, when I get around to explaining what is needed, build the map editor for us (which I feel is the one tool I don't want to make that is holding this project back). If/when that happens, I'll also go back into a development mode for other game features.

Meanwhile, on test Game 4, it sounds like most of you want to continue. What shall I do with the remaining ships Pantheos ships?

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